If you are looking for a pendant with a special design style to decorate your home, then I would recommend octo secto lamp replica. pendel octo has a Scandinavian design and is full of personality. Next, let us learn more about octo pendant replica and appreciate its charm.

Seppo Koho

Seppo Koho, born in 1967, is a Finnish architect and lighting designer. Seppo Koho graduated from the Helsinki University of Technology and Arts, and started working in design after graduation. The lighting he designed is very distinctive and highly sought after by consumers. pendant replica is one of his masterpieces.

Best Pendant

The octo hanglamp replica has a personalized design that makes it look like a giant onion. Currently the secto octo 4240 replica is available in birch, white, black and walnut. Each color of octo lampa has its own unique charm that can make your space more beautiful.

secto octo 4240 replica

Pendant - Black

lampe nachbau has been carefully designed by Seppo Koho and handcrafted by carpenters using exquisite craftsmanship. octo uses wood material, which makes it look natural. Therefore, the octo pendelleuchte replica is suitable for matching with the log-style decoration.


The appearance of hanglamp octo is very beautiful. In addition to being used alone, suspension octo can also be used in combination. When the octo 4240 hanglamp replicas are hung in the hall, it seems to hang several exquisite works of art for the hall. If you have a larger hall, you can choose to hang multiple lamp octo 4240 replicas in the hall to make the whole hall look wider.

hanglamp octo

The special stripe spacing design of lampe octo lampshade makes it have good light transmission. When the octo 4240 pendant lamp is lit, the light can penetrate the lampshade to achieve a good lighting effect. The light from the pendelleuchte octo, under the action of the lampshade, will cast a beautiful pattern on the table top, creating a warm atmosphere in your room.

lampe octo

The Scandinavian design of the octo lamp 4240 gives it a unique charm. The octo lamp zwart paired with black furniture makes the whole hall look elegant. With octo 4240 replica embellishments, your living room has more personality.

octo 4240 replica

Pendant - Walnut

The walnut octo 4240 replica is made of walnut wood, also woven by artisans. The natural wood color of walnut makes octo lampe look natural. Friends who like the log design style must add a lampe octo 4240 to your home.

lampe octo 4240

The special design of the suspension octo 4240 can make your home look more artistic. The octo lampe lampshade has many large slits that allow you to see other things through the lampshade. Therefore, although the secto octo replica is relatively large, it looks very light.

secto octo replica

The octo 4240 hanglamp made of walnut has the nature wood color, which makes it look extra comfortable. octo replica with other wooden furniture can give you a natural feeling. What a beautiful scene of a lazy kitten lying next to you in the hall where the octo 4240 pendelleuchte hangs on a cozy afternoon.

secto octo replica

Pendant - White

The octo 4240 pendant has a clean silhouette with Scandinavian design. The unique shape of octo leuchte is paired with simple white, which makes it look very elegant and versatile. So secto octo 4240 replica is suitable to hang anywhere in your room.

octo 4240 pendant

The white octo lamp replica is minimalist and elegant. Due to the light-transmitting design of the secto octo 4240 replica shade, it is suitable for hanging by the window. This will not block the sunlight outside the window, but also allow people outside the window to see the beautiful figure of octo lampa.

white octo lamp replica

Pendant - Birch

The birch octo secto lamp replica reveals a natural vibe. The octo lamp replica is made of birch wood in a light color. The sunlight outside the window shines on the octo lamp , making it look even more tender.

octo lamp replica

Although the secto octo lamp replica has a larger size, it is still suitable for hanging in small spaces. Because the octo pendant lamp replica has a large gap, it looks airy and light-transmitting. When multiple replica octo pendant lights hang side by side on the dining table, the light they emit can create a warm dining environment for you.

octo pendant lamp replica

Whether the secto octo lamp replica personal appearance has hit your heart. The replica octo pendant light in four different colors has its own charm. If you like Scandinavian style lighting, don't miss the octo pendant lamp replica.

replica octo pendant light

The above is the entire content of this blog, thank you for reading.